
an update

I never updated after my 'weigh in' last week. I had lost another lb. last week, which I guess is better than nothing! I think that brings my grand total to a little over 14 lbs. I'm still blaming the slow going on my bad workout schedule. I'm getting better at being more consistent so I'm hoping to see better results this next week. I'm trying to get out running at least three times a week. I have found I have less excuses not to go at 5 in the morning, really I tried to think of one today but couldn't! I haven't 'weighed in' this week yet, but I'll keep you posted. Life's been crazy! Kristen, Julie feel free to chime in anytime!


a possible solution

I was at CVS yesterday running some quick errands and I happened to be extremely hungry. I passed by the snack isle full of fatness, sweetness, and deliciousness... Anyway, I picked up one of the brightly, enticing, little packages, read the label, and set it back down. I picked up another deliciously packaged item, read the label, set it back down... This process repeated itself a few more times and then I realized something-- Reading the label (and I have to say, I'm not usually a label reader) was helping me decide that the amount of calories, fat, and calories from fat, wasn't worth the fatness, sweetness, and deliciousness. Happiness found in fatness, sweetness, and deliciousness is fleeting. It just reminded me of a quote my very good friend has on her refrigerator...

"nothing tastes as good as THIN feels."

btw-- I walked out of CVS empty handed
(as far as fatness, sweetness, and deliciousness goes).

making better choices.

so, another challenge for me in this weight-loss struggle is that i rarely make the wise choice when it comes to food and snacks. i'm not gonna lie, i love food. and i love good food. and by good, i mean the kind that is full of calories and fat and flavor and yumminess. it truly is a struggle for me to stop before i eat something and think about how it isn't good for me. i usually wait until i have enjoyed it to it's fullest and then i think about how i shouldn't have eaten it.

that being said, my goal for this week is to think about what i am eating and the nutritional value of the choices i make. it's a solid goal that will have a huge impact, i believe. wish me luck.

(and to our co-authors--kristen and julie--are you ever going to contribute? just wondering.)