
oh my.

so, remember that whole do-over situation.
well, i'm claiming my second do-over right now.
sound good?

1 comment:

garden girl said...

Last night I went to a school program with the boys and Isaac's Primary teacher told me he says the funniest things in class. Her favorite was "My mom looks like a grandma, but she's not one." I thought about hitting her, but she was holding her baby and SHE looks like a grandma, too. (What makes people say things like that? Hello, lady, does tact mean anything to you?! I don't even know this woman very well!) That's it... I am much too fun and young (lie, lie) to look like a grandma! Do you four let a fun, old, fat aunt into your circle? I'm ready for a change all the way around... I'm ready to be a trophy wife. (Stop laughing! Stop it! :D It's not funny!) Love you all! Aunt G